Backed by Science
Research Scientists and Naturopathic Physicians specializing in chronic illness and diseases consult and provide solutions.
Herbs & Nutrition
Licensed nutritionists & certified herbalists who show you how to heal gut issues, improve overall ailments and relieve body pain through proper diet and eating habits.
Holistic Senior Health
Certified consultants and naturopathic scientists provide life transition services from retirement to next steps and anti-aging remedies to increase cellular health.
Naturopathic Healing
Naturopathic Physicians, Functional Doctors, Registered Nurse Practitioners utilizing holistic methods for healing.
Body Workers
Looking for acupuncturists, chiropractors, massage therapists, cranial sacral therapists, health spas and more…here’s where to look!
Holistic Child Health
Holistic remedies and alternative methods for child health, physical, emotional, and mental, are used by naturopathic pediatric professionals.
Holistic Specialties
Healing techniques, tools and devices used for any health concerns. Find medical intuitives, sound healers, constellation exercises, hand analysis and other specialty healings.
Psychology Therapists
Connect with licensed therapists who specialize in all forms of emotional stress, unrest, discomfort, addictions, anxiety and depression.
Energy Healing
Through personal touch or long distance, Energy Healings like Reiki or Cellular Regeneration balances the chakras and cleanses the aura down to your DNA.
Holistic Feminine Health
Natural remedies & specialists who focus on women’s health, from fertility to birth, menstruation to menopause and their symptoms.
Life Coaching & Mentoring
Professional Guidance for every type of life experience in relationships, career, health, and next-step transitions.
Dynamic tools shared by certified holistic practitioners, metaphysical teachers and spiritual mentors to elevate you confidently toward experiencing your most empowered self.
Fitness & Exercise
Highly trained fitness coaches and exercise classes in Pilates, cardio workouts, muscle strengthening, yoga, swimming and more for a fit body.
Holistic Pet Health
Professionally trained animal whisperers who communicate, massage, and perform acupuncture and more for your pet’s health.
Natural Skin Care
Penetrating plant-based, nutritional & facial massage care for healthier skin with a smooth glow.
Learned techniques from seasoned healers in Reiki, healing breaths, constellation exercises, hypnotherapy and more to create mental and emotional balance leading to inner peace.