Soren Nielson, N.D., CRC, CERSA
Naturopathic Physician
Carretera Libre, Suite 40.5
Ensenada, BC MX


Dr. Soren Nielson is Founder and Director of Clinical and Research Services for Cancer Smart Therapies. He has specialized in the prevention, clinical care and alternative treatments for any type or stage of cancer for 40 years. A highly skilled and experienced clinician, Dr. Nielson has, with steadfast dedication and perseverance, helped hundreds of his patients challenge and conquer their cancer illness to achieve remarkable success outcome of predictable survivorship and quality of life satisfaction, exceeding prior prognostic predictions, in most cases. Today, his on-going clinical experience, his areas of specialty and training incorporate all of the fundamentals of wellbeing and Naturopathic Healing treatments.

For the past twenty-two years, as an internationally board certified and medically licensed Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Nielson provides personalized patient-centered “state of the art” cancer treatment protocols in Baja, Mexico. He has established a reputation as a compassionate, medically astute forward thinking doctor committed to focused individualized treatment strategies for all of his patients.

Since 2010, Dr. Nielson has been associated with International Bio Care Hospital in Tijauna, Mexico. This in-patient residential facility is a licensed and permitted twenty-four hour holistic cancer treatment center. An overview of typical “standard of care” modalities [on a short list of a longer, thorough protocol] follows: Complete patient history, fasting blood laboratory studies, organic food preparation, pain management, Chelation therapy, lymphatic drainage and more.

Between 1981 through 1992 while Dr. Nielson completed his formal Naturopathic Medical education, he was fortunate to be mentored by Dr. Vera Allison, N.D. [pioneer of alternative cancer therapies for over 50 years]. During this preceptorship, Dr. Nielson discovered his true calling and passion for healing. He chose to specialize in Naturopathic cancer treatment methods. While receiving this advanced training, he was very fortunate to also be instructed by several other alternative cancer pioneers, as well. Notably; Dr. Hans Nieper, M.D.; Dr. Ernesto Contraras, M.D.; and Dr. Douglas Brodie, M.D.

Dr. Nielson’s life-long educational pursuits, extensive clinical training, and compassion for patients he partners with make him one of the top internationally respected Naturopathic Physicians working today


 Naturopathic education & studies: John Bastyr College of Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic Medicine degree: National College of Naturopathic Medicine
Awarded clinic honors upon completion: National College of Naturopathic Medicine