Embracing All Life, Through Love

Mar 15, 2024

Lynne Herod-DeVerges, founder Center of Light Miracles and Miracles Directory

You’ve heard over and over again that the world goes round because of love. Love is what really matters in life. Without love, everything you do is in vain. Love cures all things that ail you. And on and on and on. The references to love are numerous and endless. But have you wondered why there is often so much emphasis continuously placed on love? Well, the primary reason is that love is the energy that creates everything in this world, including you.

If you haven’t heard it before, know that Everything is Energy! Every object you see, every tone and note you hear, every object you touch, every odor you smell, every thought you have, every emotion you feel, every item you taste, and even you as spirit in a physical body – it is all energy. Of course, this includes love. And love is the essence from which all energy is formed.

When you think about it, matter is one form of energy, and matter is made up of atomic particles. Think of these particles as dust (except much more microscopic) swirling around and around randomly without any seeming purpose. Each particle is actually infused with energetic love, holding the very fiber of its natural elements together (the stuff which constitutes the particle to begin with). This is why everything is, in reality, about love.

So, now that it’s been established how love, divine love, agape love, the kind of love that only comes from Divine Source is part of everything which exists, it makes sense for you to connect with that love energy in every way. It’s a part of you. It is you! And love is part of everything else too! Imagine this. The very essence of your being is steeped in love, which matches the love energy exiting in all things in our physical world. Therefore, when you desire anything in this world (a partnered relationship, money, a home, trees, a car, clothing, pets, and so on] the particles of energy that roam freely and randomly begin to form the patterns of what you desire, patterns that bring about a match with the love from within you to the love energy within that object. Before you know it, your desires have come into your conscious reality on a physical level. That is why, when you embrace all of life, you do so through love; and it is love that makes the world go round.

Here are 3 tips on how you may embrace what you desire to experience through the use of love energy.

  1. Become clear about what you desire. No doubts, no uncertainty, no rationalizing it or intellectualizing it. Just feel the love, the passionate emotion to the depths of your soul. Feel it so much so that not having it is not an option.
  2. Affirm it is part of your experience. This can be done through the use of affirmations in written and oral form. But where it truly makes a difference is in what you say in everyday conversation. If words of doubt, lack or disbelief are expressed, words like “it can’t or won’t happen”, in that moment you have utilized energies in opposition to love and your desire becomes nullified.
  3. Live in Gratitude and Appreciation. The more you give thanks for what you have the more it chooses to be around you and a part of your experience. It’s no different than a friend. If you praise that person, give him compliments, remain upbeat and make yourself a person he feels good around, he will choose to be with you. On the other hand, if you always complain, talk ill of him or abuse him, that friend will remove himself from you and certainly not be your friend. Treat your desire like a good friend. Let it know how much you appreciate it and welcome it into your life.

Who do you turn to when you get stuck in a rut? Don’t know what your purpose is? Want to know the future state of the world or your life? Go to ASK-LYNNE and find out the answers!