Feb 15, 2024

Lynne Herod-DeVerges, founder Center of Light Miracles and Miracles Directory

If you compared your financial abundance to a movie genre, how would you describe it? Would you call it a Comedy? Does it seem to fly through the window and fall off the trees? And, just when you go to pick it up, it flies out of your hands as you run to chase it? Would it be described as a Musical? Does it make you feel like singing each time you receive any money at all (no matter how much or how small) because these events, when they happen, seem too few and far in between? Would you describe it as a Drama or Tragedy – because not only is money too sparse to pay bills, but the lack of it is threatening to cause you homelessness? Or, would you describe it as a Romance – because there is a great love affair between you and money where you appreciate it and it appreciates you by always sticking around in abundance?

No matter what the situation, to Elevate Your Financial Abundance means to increase your finances exponentially, even on a compounded daily basis. And whether money is already plentiful or so scarce that you’ve almost forgotten what it looks like, you can absolutely Elevate Your Financial Abundance through the process of Universal Laws and Natural Principles. It doesn’t matter whether you understand what these laws and principles are or not. It doesn’t even matter if you know what they are. (But to become aware of them could certainly help.) So, here are some of the laws and principles at work, with their meanings, for your conscious awareness.

To start with, the Law of Frequency is a law that has a two-fold aspect. When I speak of the Law of Frequency, I’m referring to a specific pattern or patterns of energy that are formed, and then cause a particular action or reaction when brought together. So, when you tap in, turn on and tune into a certain frequency, it’s the same as tuning into energy patterns where clear images, sounds, ideas, beliefs, feelings, and structures take shape and present themselves. Frequency also means “continual” and “always”. It’s a state of continuous formation, movement and regularity that always forms and activates patterns. In the case of your financial abundance, the Law of Frequency is about both integrating your energy with the energy pattern called “abundance” and the non-ceasing regularity of that integration.

Now, the next four Laws and Principles I’ll cover work automatically with the Law of Frequency, so I will describe these principles in relationship to it. The Law of Vibration determines how fast or slow, high or low an energy pattern is moving or resonating. It is part of what brings forth the action of the pattern formed.

The Law of Attraction stipulates that, whatever the original frequency pattern is, other patterns that have “like” properties will join or move closer to the original pattern. So, when you change or shift your frequency to be like that of abundance, the action (or manifestation) will be more money or higher yielding investments, and so on.

The Principle of Desire is also key to the Law of Frequency. “Of Desire” means “Of God” and is placed within a highly conscious heart (your heart). Desire is a powerful energy that is a driving force to actually form frequency energy patterns.

The last principle I will mention in this article is the Principle of Creation. When creating, you are using every law and principle needed to bring into manifestation your desire. It’s a process of harmonizing everything together, very much like a full-scale orchestra that produces the sweet sounds of music you hear. The frequency patterns that are conceptualized on sheet music, when actually played, create a magnificent sound.

Here what Abraham through Ester Hicks has to say about moving into vibrational or frequency alignment with money…

            Elevating Your Financial Abundance is like your picking up sheet music (Abundance Frequency) and your instrument (Meditation & Visualization) where you begin to play sweet music, or in this case bring about beautiful “long green”. And, doing the Activating Your Money Matrix Meditation will certainly help you change your comedy, drama, tragedy, musical or romance financial life situation to a greater monetary one.

            This can easily be done through the guided “Elevating Your Financial Abundance” meditation which you can listen to and follow here:

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