Love Divine – Understanding Relationships

Jan 15, 2024

Lynne Herod-DeVerges, founder Center of Light Miracles and Miracles Directory

Oh, how complicated relationships can be. I’m sure you may have a relationship or two that could be explained that way. Perhaps with a parent, a spouse or partner? Maybe a sibling or best friend? Well, the truth is, from a spiritual perspective, there are only two general types of relationships: the unconditional type of Divine Love and the conditional relationships of Human Love. Guess which type gets complicated? And you only get one guess. Before I can go into the essence of divine love relationships (as if they needed explanation), I’m going to discuss the other type of relationships, the more convoluted kind.

In all honesty, it doesn’t matter what kind of human relationship you’re in. What matters is the spiritual type of relationship it is. A human love conditional relationship is one that always has strings attached. It could be a relationship between parent and child, spouses or partners, employers and employees, two or more siblings, or any other kind of relationship. Whether the strings run long or short, these relationships place a price on love. We are taught early on that if we do what our parents want us to do, we are rewarded. And when we don’t do as they desire, punishment is the response. It’s not always expressed in those terms (except in some families), but the message is received loud and clear. “IF YOU DO WHAT I SAY, I WILL LOVE YOU MORE; AND IF YOU DON’T, I WON’T LOVE YOU AT ALL!” Parents make this statement over and over again with their actions and reactions.

A good example of conditional love in principal is the concept of approval versus non-approval you’ve had within yourself since you were a child. This is where this type of love originates and how it echoes throughout our lives. It reverberates in the way we give love and receive love from others. It may appear different from one relationship to another, but human love always finds favor when someone acts like, gives like, looks like, provides like, or sounds like what you want from the other.

In contrast, the unconditional relationships of Divine Love invite an open heart that loves purely. Divine love doesn’t care what you do, how you act, the way you look, or how you sound. Divine love is devoid of a what-can-you-do-for-me attitude. None of that matters when divine love is present because it transcends emotional needs, mental prowess and physical desires. Simply put, unconditional relationships allow this degree of acceptance and approval simply because you and those with whom you share a relationship are nothing more or less than phenomenal persons, divinely created by Source. How beautiful it is to be loved and to give love that way too.

Personally, I believe that if more people established relationships from a place of unconditional Divine Love, there would be peace more on Earth!!

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