Dec 15, 2023

Lynne Herod-DeVerges, founder Center of Light Miracles

Changing Your World is not as difficult as it may sound. Regardless of how your life is currently it can change on a dime; and I mean, change for the better in a way you desire. Or, it can change in a manner you do not desire. The way in which your world shifts is completely up to you.


Everything is energy. All tangible physical objects as well as intangible things such as emotions, feelings, thoughts, belief systems, other dimensions and creative ideas. Believe it or not, your life, as it is right now, first started on another dimensional plane before manifesting into this physical dimension. Your partner, children, house, car, job, health, and all of the details of what that is, how it looks, and the way you relate to it were called into this world by you. That’s right… You created your world! This is why you can also change your world.


The reflection of your world is based upon the entire accumulation of experiences you’ve had, the DNA you’ve been born with (physically, mentally, emotionally) and what you have been programmed or conditioned to believe. In effect, it is the totality of how you have perceived life and how others have perceived you taking a dominant role in the palate you’ve used to create your world. It doesn’t matter if you’ve created from a lack of awareness about what lies within you. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been unaware of the influences your environment has played. You and only you are responsible for the effects of what you have or don’t have, where you are going or will never go. Therefore, if you are unsatisfied with your world, you can change it. Let me explain where it begins.


Creating something new starts with a small seed of an idea, thought or dream. You may not know for sure what the entire idea or dream is. You may not be sure what direction to go in. You may not know for sure the absolute final destination, but it doesn’t mean you can’t begin by taking one tiny step. When creating something new, it’s about taking a stand or position on what you desire, then taking a first step. Do a bit of research, shift a bad habit, or make a purchase you’ve been thinking about. You can do this for a day, a week or month or however long it takes for you to feel comfortable about having taken the step toward your creation.

No matter what it is, you must first solidify your seeded idea, thought or dream by taking some sort of action; not necessarily a big action, but some type of action. Doing this is how you surrender to the process. It’s a way of trusting Spirit, moving resistance out of the way and embracing the present moment to move forward. This is how it begins energetically on another dimensional plane before manifesting into this one.


The second step involves becoming more conscious of what you must give up in order to create something new. Put it another way, give up what blocks the change from occurring. It becomes a very challenging process to move forward in a new way when holding onto old beliefs, old habits, and old patterns that have kept you steeped in the same old way. This may involve giving up anything from fear (regardless of what kind) to resistance of all types (procrastination, excuses, rebelliousness or stubbornness), judgment, drama, belief in lack, doubt, unworthiness, or envy. There are many ways you can take a different type of action. Giving up these types of energies can require a myriad of devices. Some may include journaling, meditating, affirmations, listening to and reading only motivational and inspirational material, putting an end to complaining, analyzing your dreams, and prayer. The list goes on and on. The key here is to choose which methods offer the easiest and best flow for you. Using an effective combination of stress-free techniques will reap you the optimal results desired.


The next step is to simply rest. That’s right! You must rest for at least three days. After taking action, allow the energy from the first and second steps to begin sprouting roots. That can only happen when the energy is allowed to move in its most natural flow, much like a seed sprouting roots that bury themselves into the earth. Once they burrow into the Earth, life springs forth with ferocity. Constantly pushing, pushing, pushing to force something to happen, rather than resting, energetically causes a blockage of flow. It’s like putting too much tissue paper into the toilet bowl before flushing. After you flush, before you know it, the pipes get clogged and water runs out of the bowl. Unconsciously, you’re telling the universe that “it’s not happening or it’s not happening fast enough”. It telegraphs non-belief, lack of trust, and a doubtful demeanor about what your true power is, demonstrating the need for Ego to be in control rather than existing in collaboration with Spirit. Put your focus elsewhere by playing, socializing or being in joyful self-care. It’s simply a matter of turning your attention on something else, something that you find deeply satisfying to become engaged in. To rest, by temporarily stepping away from the action you’ve taken, allows the energy of change to naturally flow in the direction of bearing life because it is rooted on solid ground.


Changing your world means shifting energy. It means shifting from whatever its current form is to a new form. Energy is never wasted. It never dies. It can never be destroyed. Energy can only be transformed; and ultimately, that is the secret to changing your world. Each step I mentioned is a form of energy, including the third step – to rest. Because energy is always being transformed, to take action (regardless of the myriad ways), as suggested in steps one and two, are sure-fire energetic methods toward transformative shifts. Of course, the process should then be repeated until the desire is met.

What’s mentioned here is not new, unusual or even something you’ve never done before in some way or other. Nevertheless, changing your world must involve each of these steps. And the more consciously aware you become about what they are and how to use them the better and faster your results. Enjoy changing your world by:

  • Acknowledging the seeds of your ideas, thoughts and dreams.
  • Taking action to begin solidifying or rooting the seeds.
  • Taking action to give up the energy that blocks the change.
  • Resting, chill, play – to put your focus elsewhere for the seeds to fully take hold causing change to flow.

Delve deeper into experiencing true self-empowerment! Ask-Lynne to be your guide.