With the economy changing throughout the world, more and more people find themselves displaced in the workplace. What you went to college for, the experience you gained in your specialty, or the number of years you served in your career no longer seem to have relevance. This is why you and many like you are considering starting your own business. This could be the year you break out and become an entrepreneur! But there’s one question: What type of business should it be?
If you are like so many others, you don’t like the job you have. It may be the boss. You may not like the company policy or the work itself. Well, it’s just not what you thought it would be. It makes sense to begin contemplating doing your own thing. And perhaps, you have an idea of what you want to do. And, if you do, I only have one question for you. Is it your Passion? If you are unclear about the direction to go in, let me rephrase that question. What is your Passion?
In my 30 years of mentoring experience, I have found that only 3 out of 10 people are clear about what their passion is. The truth is, everyone actually knows their passion. What they don’t know is how to turn their passion into a business opportunity. They don’t know how to earn an income doing what they love to do. So, I ask you: Is that you? Do you feel that way too? It’s okay. There’s no need to be frustrated any more. There are a few very basic steps you can take to either discover or begin to expand upon what your passion is and how you can live it daily while earning money too. So…
Here Are Four Ways to Live Your Passion as an Entrepreneur:
- Determine What Your Passion Is ~ One way to discover your passion is by asking yourself what it is you love doing most, without getting paid for it. The definition of passion is: “strong amorous feeling or desire; love; ardor.” If you feel this way about anything, then you have determined your passion. Or, put another way, if you are absolutely compelled to do anything that brings you great joy, you’re living your passion.
- Recognize What You Do Most and What You Do Best ~ If you are still unsure about what you really love doing, ask yourself what you do most often and what you do best. This can be a huge clue as to what your deeper internal desire is; because, whether you realize it or not, what you do most often and best is inspired from the soul. It is the connection you have to the real you where your soul is expressed.
- Learn Meditation to Connect with Your Heart ~ Connecting with your heart is the same as connecting with your passion. Since passion is what you “Love,” then the heart is where you can tune into it. For the heart is able to discern between unconditional divine love and conditional love. And, true passion can only arise from unconditional love. Now the best way to listen to your heart is to still the body, quiet the mind, and calm the emotions. That means meditation is the ultimate way for that to happen. Moreover, meditation provides guidance on how your passion can be turned into a money-making venture, allowing you to be the super entrepreneur you want to be.
- List Every Possible Form of Income Connected with Your Passion ~ Either through meditation or by thinking out of the box, way out of the box, your mind will open to all possibilities of income. Becoming an entrepreneur means to offer services, products, and knowledge in a way that is uniquely you and different from everyone or everything else. So, don’t be afraid to explore ALL the possibilities, no matter how silly they may seem. Just consider the Hula Hoop. It has been around since the 13th century. But the passion of two men who loved the hoop as a form of exercise created the “modern version” of the hoop back in 1865, constructing it only from rattan, willow and grapevines. Then almost a century later, made of plastic and marketed by the Wham-O toy company (another entrepreneurial venture), the Hula Hoop, as it became known, took off and became big in the 1950’s. It also made the owner of Wham-O an entrepreneurial millionaire. Who would have thought an exercise hoop would have made it so big! But the evolution of the Hula Hoop was a result of each entrepreneur living his passion and thinking out of the box.
Now is the time for you to connect with your passion. Now is the time to determine how to live it, do it, breath it, experience it and get paid for it every day! It’s time to change the paradigm. You can be happy and experience joy. This is how the entrepreneur in you will shine far beyond whatever job or jobless situation you are currently in.
“Passion to Purpose” Meditation
Lynne Herod-DeVerges, Miracles Directory Founder