May 15, 2023

When you think about your goals; the pentacles you desire to reach, the milestones you work toward achieving, you probably have some type of visualization or image of what it looks like and feels like. You imagine yourself having it. You feel how joyful you’ll be once you obtain it. And there’s nothing left to do but get busy about making it happen. Well, what if I was to tell you that that’s only part of how you manifest your goal? What if I was to tell you that your goals are not a means to an end, but rather the first step toward the next level? Hum…… It’s worth contemplating! Consider the possibility of going so far beyond what you can even imagine that you surpass your vision! Your goal, then, becomes only a lower step toward your ultimate destination. It’s like what Bill Gates did, what Warren Buffet did, and what Lady Gaga is doing now!


To achieve any grand ultimate goal, it takes a series of small goals, some easy to achieve and some more challenging. But, as you move from one goal to the next to the next, you will find that accomplishing the overall goal happens in a more organic flow. And, without even realizing it, the ultimate goal becomes expanded and goes far beyond what even you may have imagined or conceived when you dreamt of it.


Not long ago, it was pointed out to me that the rate of acceleration in increased knowledge, understanding, and learning has multiplied exponentially. In the late 1800’s, great shifts in understanding and knowledge occurred every 20 years or so. In the 1950’s, these shifts accelerated to a rate of every 15 years. In the 1980’s, a shift in consciousness happened every 10 years. It increased around 2000 to every 5 years. And it was estimated to continue at that rate until about 2015 at which time these global shifts would begin take place every 2 years! This means that close to 2,500 careers and jobs not considered 20 years ago have likely become a part of the world’s labor market today. In essence, the goals and milestones of significance to you today that you are focusing on reaching tomorrow will already have shifted by the time you get to the goal, unless you establish a deeper more connected and integrated way of allowing yourself (as Spirit) to open to the reality of going beyond your immediate goal.


Achieving Your Goals Beyond What You Can Imagine happens by following some very basic steps (Remember: goal by goal by goal) until you get there and go even farther. There are twelve basic steps, each one a goal in and of itself. And within each of the steps are a series of smaller goals leading toward a final destination that moves further beyond what you can even envision. The twelve steps are:

1. Release All Resistance:
Release to both larger and smaller goals.

2. Embrace Self-Acceptance
Accept who you are as a divine individual.

3. Expand Your Mind
Allowing new perspectives brings light where there was darkness and brilliance where some light already existed.

4. Take A Step Toward Clarity
The clearer you are about your goal the easier to achieve.

5. Make Important Changes
Change any limitations in your mind and heart.

6. Clearing Negativity
Eliminating all forms of negativity presents the lighted path toward going beyond the goal.

7. Affirming Your Desire
No matter what the goal or desire is, affirming you have accomplished it will achieve it.

8. Eliminating Ego Excuses
Ego is “Edging God Out” and no goal is accomplished where God is not part of it.

9. The Power of You
Stand firm in where you know you chose to go and how you begin getting there. That is your power.

10. The Strength of Love
Love the vision. Love the goal. Love yourself to go beyond what you desire.

11. The Breath of Manifestation
Breathing life into your goals brings them from the ethereal to the material.

12. Let Go and Let God
When you’ve done all that you can, let go and let God take your goal farther than you could have imagined.


Manifesting beyond what you desire is as easy as removing internal blocks, letting go of limited visualization, living in the experience you desire as if you currently have it, and then allowing Divine Source to move energy in ways that exceed your present ability to comprehend. It’s not so much the mere act of visualization and working hard toward the end result that is important. It’s essential to practice the twelve steps above to put into place a structure that will take you into accelerated levels of learning and understanding on a grand scale: quantum leap acceleration. Then, you can expand understanding, enhance awareness, open your heart, and manifest beyond what you can imagine in this new age of near-limitless possibilities.