Apr 11, 2023

Letting go is a term used often; but do we really know what that means? We can let go of a balloon. And, if filled with helium, it flies away. We can let go of a ball or any other object in our hands and watch it plummet to the floor. In these instances, letting go is very easy. And it means we no longer have them, hold them, hoard them or clutch them as our proud possessions. But, what does it actually mean to LET GO when we are feeling bad, or have thoughts that are filled with darkness? What does it mean to release struggle, the need for blame, or the chaos of a life filled with drama?

To let go means to completely surrender the beliefs, thoughts, habits, patterns and actions that run contrary to the path you choose to travel. For example, if you decide to experience joy in all aspects of your life, surrendering doubt, anger, and bitterness is one important action required to manifest that experience. In another example, if you have a goal of losing weight, you will likely need to surrender sugary foods and overeating.

In the few years you’ve been on this planet, have you experienced being at peace and in joy, happy, powerful, relaxed, and filled with love or gratitude sixty-five plus percent of the time, regardless of internal triggers from external situations in your life? If the answer is No, there are oppositional energies to your overall well-being to let go of.

The life you were born into and the life you’ve forged in every situation up till now is filled energetically with an amalgamation of beliefs and experiences adopted from your parents and ancestors. So clearly, a plethora of varying energies are woven into the fabric of you, consisting of your physical, emotional, spiritual and mental bodies. Not all of these energies promote health and well-being. Yet, they completely influence many of the decisions you make. These decisions, as you put them into action, are mirrored as external experiences. And these actions and decisions then trigger more profoundly those original energies inside of you. This dance goes round and round, forever escalating, until you take the definitive step to stop the cycle of energetic habit patterns on all levels. For this reason, it’s important to know when to let go of these energies. So, here are…


  1. When WORRYING about anything, it’s time to let it go. Worry keeps you stuck in the very situation or circumstance you’re worried about. The more you think about it and stay in fear around it the deeper its hold on you, intensifying inside until you attract the very thing you were worried about. Let go of Worry by focusing on something pleasant. Perhaps you’re looking forward to a project or event you’re planning. Whatever it is, it should be something that is different from the object of your worry.
  • When JUDGMENT comes into play, regardless of who or what it is, it’s time to let it go. Judgment is a perspective that keeps you focused on an illusion of what you believe to be truth. It stops you from seeing the essence of a person or situation and its divine purpose for being how it is. When you dwell in judgment, you miss opportunities for growth. And growth brings about inner peace, joy and love more readily. Let go of Judgment by shifting your perspective. See the best within a person. Consider all sides of a situation. Then, whichever side you chose, allow it to simply be what it is, and nothing else…not good or bad, right or wrong, correct or incorrect. It’s important not to be in denial about it or doubtful about its purpose either.
  • When IMPATIENT about waiting for something to happen, it’s time to let it go. Impatience is an energy that keeps you in anticipation of something. Anticipation may be exciting for a brief moment. But to continue beyond this initial pleasure causes you to fixate on the future, keeping you from Present in the moment. When being present here and now, you allow Divine Source to gift you a present, one that benefits you in numerous ways. A great way to stay present is to take ten or more deep, easy breaths. Breathe from the tips of your toes up through your spine to the top of your head, and then exhale, releasing the breath easily and naturally. Continue to do this until your mind, emotions, body and soul are in alignment with where you are in the present and what you are doing in the moment. In this way, you heal an Impatient nature.
  • When FEARFUL, but not from a life-threatening situation, it’s time to let it go. Fear can be completely paralyzing. It stops you from taking the steps necessary to move ahead. It can also be the sinister driving force behind making hasty or foolish decisions, putting into play a domino effect that takes you off your path toward accomplishing desired goals. Fear is one of the primary emotional energies, above all else, causing the most challenging circumstances. It can keep you from growing and learning valuable life lessons. Its emotional power and intensity absolutely attracts what you fear most. However, one of the best ways to move through fear is silent and focused guided meditation. Meditation neutralizes fear and will help give you the courage to do what you must in spite of the fear.
  • When UNWORTHINESS is wrapped like a shroud around you, it’s time to let it go. To believe you are unworthy of anything is to believe you are less than the perfect being God created you to be. The belief of being unworthy stunts your growth, holding you back from discovering how dynamic and powerful you really are. It stops you from honoring your real essence, that part of you which transcends all challenges you’re faced with. The thoughts, feelings and habits of unworthiness present themselves as real but they are actually lies the ego convinces you of. It is time to stand in the truth that you are worthy because you were born that way. Begin to move out of unworthiness by expressing yourself through something you love to do. It may be a form of artistry, writing, building a business, teaching children, or any number of things. The key is to be creative and allow your higher self, along with Divine Source, to come through in the form of soul expression that is uniquely you.
  • When VICTIM energy grabs you by the throat, it’s time to let it go. Feeling like a victim is a sure fire way to focus only on how someone or something else has treated you unfairly or abused you. As a Victim, it’s easy to blame someone or something for your feelings, your fate, or your miserable life. But the truth is that it’s not what was done to you that makes you a victim. It’s what you decided about yourself because of it. If you continue to put yourself in the position of being a victim, you allowing these feelings to persist. Being a victim is also described as taking a martyr or sacrificial position. Ultimately, the power is always yours. You have the power to perceive yourself as a winner; not as a survivor, but a winner. You have the power to feel strong. You have the power to surpass the lowly position of being “less than”. To shift from being a victim to a winner, write (don’t type) daily in a journal how you see yourself as a victim. And then write how you perceive the winner that you are. Lastly, look in the mirror, straight into your eyes and state all of the ways you see a winner looking back at you. After a while, you will begin acting like the dynamic person you are rather than a victim.

Knowing when it’s time to let go and how to let go provides the beginning steps toward a more inspired way of living. The opportunity to move closer to your inner self and experience the profound ease and peace of who you really are frees the soul to create a life of joy.