Mar 28, 2023

To be “on purpose” actually means connecting with what your true life purpose is. But, here’s the challenge: Do you know what your life purpose is? And is it all that important to be aware of your purpose? Well, first of all, coming into an awareness of your life purpose isn’t always easy. People seek their purpose for years in the attempt to discover what they are really here to do. It can seem like some hidden variable to solve through a complicated equation. Mix a special gift with a little bit of passion, subtract what others are forcing you to do, and voila! Now, you’re on purpose? If only it were that easy. Or maybe it is!

Perhaps you know what your gift is and you’re clearly aware that you don’t want to do what someone else is making you do. But what’s your passion? Do you know? If passion is an essential ingredient, and you don’t know what that passion is, you may not be living on purpose.

Secondly, being on purpose doesn’t happen to everyone around the same age. Some people discover their purpose during childhood, some in their teens, and others not until they’re adults, young or old. So, when do you know if you’re being on purpose? Maybe you’re already living, sharing and being on purpose, but just don’t realize it. Again, how do you know when you are?

The most recognizable way of knowing whether you are on purpose or not is to examine what your consciousness is about what you are currently most engaged in. For example, if you are the kind of person who is always the “voice of reason” when loved ones go at each other, chances are your purpose is the peace maker. If you’re the person who nails the audition every time, or assumes the role of lead actor, dancer or musician in a show, then you are on purpose. If you are a phenomenal researcher always sharing the appropriate information with those who need to know, you are on purpose. There’s really no deep thought, extensive searching or emotional connection you need to have to be on your purpose. The truth is, you are probably already “being on purpose” because you are “Being” who you are and bringing into your everyday life what you do authentically and automatically. Whether you get paid for it or not, whether you are made famous by it or not is of no consequence.

Sometimes, being on purpose can present itself in a way that is not openly accepted by you. So, is it all that important to be aware of your purpose? Not at all! You do not have to be aware of your purpose to live your purpose and express that which Divine Source has graced you the opportunity to do. The only reason you want to know if you are on purpose is because you want to be aware that your being here means something. It may be important to you to contribute to the world in a way that serves the overall global community. In that instance, you desire to know that you are elevating yourself to a position of being at the highest level of awareness, spiritual growth and expanded consciousness. But ultimately, it is not required for you to know because, as the divine perfect spiritual being that you are, as a co-creator with Divine Source, you are already living your life by Being on Purpose.