Science suggests that animal communication is about signals between animals creating a change in behavior. Although this is true (along with signals that humans, which are also animals, teach to animals to create the communication of commands), if you yourself have animals or know of someone who has animals and you see them as the sentient beings that they are, it is quite apparent that they communicate with us as we do them without the use of signals or commands. We come to have an unspoken language between us, along with the little actions or looks we give one another to relay a message or feeling.
All animals communicate by telepathy and at the level of Spirit by means of the life force energy that flows through us all. You may be thinking to yourself, how does that happen? Or what is that really? If you think of how your refrigerator runs on electricity, once the cord is removed, the refrigerator stops working. We, as a part of everything on the planet alive and growing, have life force energy flowing through us, for we are energy manifested into a physical form. We operate at different frequencies, and within those frequencies is an unspoken language. This is the language of Spirit. And a great example of how this plays out in a way most of us have experienced is when we are thinking of someone and moments later they contact us.
Some people who are animal communicators have this ability naturally while others may have to be taught how to open up to tap into their intuitive or psychic abilities. I personally communicate telepathically with animals in symbols and images. And I have actual conversations on a spirit level with the animals just as two humans would communicate. I hear their voices just as I would hear another human’s voice. They have their own sounds, tones and emotional affects in their communication. Animals are very clear in their communication. And if we as humans are open to listen, pay attention and be present in the now (exactly where animals love to exist), they have so much wisdom to teach us about themselves, the planet and ourselves.
My story of how I began to speak to animals in such a clear manner started when I was around the age of twenty-two. All my life I had strong connections with animals of all types, but things changed in my twenties. I was given a Burmese Python. Or, I should say, he was brought to my front door by a friend who said, “You are the only one who cares for or has anything to do with this snake, and you need to take him.” Her teenage sister got him as a pet, and the older she grew the less she had anything to do with him. She often forgot to feed him and he regularly broke out of his small cage. It was true that I was the only one to play with him, so it was only fitting that he came to live with me. I had no cage for him, lights or anything he needed except for love and care. I named the snake Indica. And luckily for both of us, I was dating a guy who had snakes and built the snake a cage appropriate for his size. My partner also taught me the basics of how to care for Indica.
As you may know, snakes do not make any sound beyond the occasional hissing. At that stage in life, I myself started to open up more psychically. And as all things fall into place when movement happens on any level of our being, my ability to communicate with Spirit happened with Indica. It mainly began as just intuitively knowing when he was hungry or wanted attention. Then one night he appeared in a dream I had. Ever since I was a child, I have always been very wide awake in my dreams, so it was quite appropriate that he would appear to me in this arena to give me a message. In this dream, everything looked like a cartoon. Indica was short and shaped sort of like a cigar with tapered ends, and he showed me a little house with a big red cross on it. I was then awakened by Indica in the morning from his throwing himself against the wall of his cage repeatedly. As he showed me in the dream, he was very sick and needed to go to the hospital. From that time on, he came to me in my dreams consistently to talk to me, and our silent communication only grew louder as time went on.
Over time, as I continued to grow in my spirituality and psychic abilities, so did this silent communication with all animals. I definitely scared some of my friends with my ability to communicate with wild animals. While hiking, I talked to rattlesnakes when I saw them. Or they showed up in parts of the canyons I visited. I stayed attentive to receive any messages they had for me, and they would always have one. Then I instructed them to leave the path or go away from a house before anything could happen to them. I wanted them to stay safe and never felt concerned for my own safety with them. One of the funniest moments I had came from a friend’s reaction when we were hiking and a mountain lion appeared at the top of a ridge, standing and staring at us. As we stood still staring back in awe of its beauty and the permission it granted us to see it (as animals choose to let us see them rather than us doing the choosing), my friend turned to me and said, “Please don’t call it down here to us!” It made me laugh. But she believed in my abilities much more than I did at that time. Or maybe it was just that I thought that this connection happening between me and the animals was not such a big deal. Either way, I told her not to worry as I thanked and asked the lion to stay where it was while we slowly walked on.
Life continued like that for years until eventually a friend asked me why I wasn’t talking to the animals professionally? She made a great point, and the rest is history, as they say.
As a professional animal communicator, I find that most people contact me to talk to their animal children for reasons such as illness, behavioral issues, to inform them about a move or trip, and sometimes just for the fun of it. These kinds of sessions are extremely helpful for both the animals and their humans!