The Physical Body: Self Care
Most of us take our bodies for granted. We never think about breathing or the beating of our hearts, until something happens. Although our body is the vehicle for the soul, it is not an inanimate object, but a precious gift. We should always care for it lovingly and attentively, and never neglect or abuse it.
Leading a spiritual life does not mean we should place our spiritual aspirations above physical care. Aiming for balance is the way to go.
Our body is intuitive and intelligent. With the proper care, the body can achieve its optimal condition and grant us the best quality of life we can enjoy. But if we neglect and abuse our body, it will rebel and eventually shut down.
Think of your body as your partner in life, from birth till death. If you show it appreciation, it will support you in your everyday activities, and even help you to thrive.
Emotions as Energy
Thoughts and emotions are nothing more than energy. So, where we place our attentions is where we place our energy. Brain waves are simply energy thought forms traveling at different frequencies. There are many types that vary by frequency and produce different effects on our mental and physical health. Beta brain waves are those associated with alertness and purposeful mental activity.
But we often get stuck in these beta brain waves that have us cling to the emotional baggage we’ve collected during the day or our lives as a whole: pain, sadness, anger, anxiety, jealousy and frustration. All of these emotions stem from hormones in reaction to stress. These undesirable emotional states (or “energy”) then, get trapped and live in our hearts and our brains.
Find Health/Balance by Connecting with Source
It takes focused spiritual work on ourselves to combat this energy. When we stop doing the work, we fall back into the habit of the emotions connected with the stresses of our environment. It’s in these times that we get caught up in EGO (or EDGING GOD OUT). In other words, we are overly focused on our “selves” – our separate, limited nature – instead of connecting with the Source from which all energy flows, including perfect and abundant health and freedom from emotional baggage.
Are you connected to Source Energy through the Wi-Fi of your hardware that is your body? As with bad Wi-Fi, some days you’re good and other days you’re down. You have an unsustainable connection to source. What we all want is to be connected solidly to Source Energy with a big thick cable wire. In this way, we’re connected all the time and have Source Energy flowing through us in continuous motion. Instead of getting stuck in our EGO, we then vibrate on higher frequencies.
Other terms for this energy are “life force”, or “prana”, as defined in Eastern spiritual traditions. Long before modern technology and science, these ancient cultures understood that the entire universe is made up of energy, and your body is no exception. They knew that all living things carry a life force within them. And they called the seven main centers of energy within the body “chakras”.
So what are the seven chakras? “Chakra” is an old Sanskrit word that, literally translated, means “wheel”. This is because the life force, or prana, moving inside of you in these energy centers is spinning and rotating. These energy centers are located along your spine from the base of your spine (root chakra) up through the top of your head (crown chakra). The chakras are essential for bringing you as a spiritual being in a body into balance. In a healthy, balanced person, they provide exactly the right amount of energy to every part of your body, mind and spirit. They can also assist you in fulfilling your spiritual path.
By educating yourself about the seven chakras and developing an awareness of them in your own body, you can become more in tune with the natural energy cycles of your body. For instance, if one of your chakras is too open and spinning too quickly, or if the chakra is too closed and moving slowly, your health will likely suffer in one of several different ways. Making such personal discoveries about your own chakra health and utilizing spiritual techniques to address it can promote a healthy and harmonious life.
One of the most powerful techniques I’ve found is Reiki!
Are you ready to take your power back and heal all those inner-child wounds? Do you want to attract everything your heart truly desires?
I am grateful to God for allowing me to serve, influence and transform this planet for the highest good.