Lynne Herod-DeVerges, founder Center of Light Miracles
As you may have noticed, I’m declaring this time of year as “Miracle Season”. And included during this holiday time is, of course, Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is not only a time of giving thanks. It’s a time to truly be in sincere gratitude for every experience in your life. There has been so much written about Gratitude that I’m sure you’re wondering what else could be said. How much more does one need to know about having gratitude for everything in their life? Well, I’m going to talk about gratitude as the healing balm it is from the perspective of immediately releasing negativity and magnetizing your heart’s desires directly to you.
The word gratitude stems from the French language around the year 1560 meaning good will; originally from the Latin root “gratus” meaning thankfulness. When you are in a place of negativity, be it a thought, feeling or emotion, one of the best ways to begin clearing away the negativity is to be in gratitude. It doesn’t always have to take the form of a happy, peppy thank you, thank you, thank you! You can express gratitude by simply saying thank you for this *&^%$ experience. The adage, “Fake it till you make it” does apply. The more you are in gratitude the better you begin to feel, and the lighter your thoughts become, allowing for productive action to take place.
Often, when you are in a negative thinking pattern, feeling uncomfortable, or having a bad experience, the natural thing to do is to be in resistance. I know you’ve read and been taught that when you are thinking, speaking or being negative, you are to immediately suppress it and begin saying affirmations, thinking positively and changing your actions. But to do that is actually a form of resistance. You are fighting against an energy which, in that moment, chooses to show up in a form that doesn’t serve you in the long term. Because every thought, action, material or physical object, feeling, emotion, sight, sound, taste and everything imaginable is energy, the act of honoring whatever the energy is causes it to change – either completely shifting its molecular structure or expanding it beyond its current limitations. All energy desires to be recognized and honored. So, when you give thanks for it; when you are in gratitude for whatever form the energy is in and at the present moment, you begin to shift the energy and raise your vibration from a negative posture to a more positive outlook and attitude. It is one of the best ways to actually transmute and completely neutralize or integrate negative energy into positive energy very simply and effectively.
Once you’ve been able to shift energy rather than resist it, the emotion of love, which comes from the heart, is emitted, creating a powerful level of gratitude that’s phenomenal! The heart itself emits two emotions, love and fear. When your feelings are elevated to joy, happiness, exhilaration or excitement, the heart is triggered to open and expand into a loving consciousness. Being a powerful organ that has an electrical-magnetic energy field five times stronger than the mind, it literally magnetizes your desires to you. The irony is, when you are in this expansive experience, gratitude flows effortlessly. This is when you are no longer faking it, but actually making it along your heart path. By being in gratitude, the passport in helping you journey toward love is forged, with the next destination being your passionate desires!
Who do you turn to when you get stuck in a rut? Don’t know what your purpose is? Want to know the future state of the world or your life? Go to ASK-LYNNE and find out the answers!