What Emotions are REALLY Running Your Show?

Jul 27, 2022

Research is finding that our emotions shape the world we live in. I’m inspired by Brene Brown’s book, “Atlas of the Heart”, in which she found that the vast majority of people have roughly three emotions they can identify: happy, sad and pissed off.

In my practice, I explore emotions shaped by several levels of trauma, and I use specific tools to help people heal from the past and reshape their lives and environments as a result. But first, we need to look at some of the different levels where trauma can reside.

What Is Trauma?

Well, trauma is defined by Webster’s dictionary as: a deeply distressing or disturbing experience.

But trauma is so much more than that. Trauma is the response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope, causes feelings of helplessness, diminishes their sense of self and their ability to feel a full range of emotions and experiences.

Let’s look at some of the different types of trauma that a person can experience:

Present Life Trauma

Trauma can occur at different levels within the psyche (or aura, energy field, etc.) like the layers of an onion. One level of trauma stems from present-day events and lives closer to the surface. This trauma is fresh.

This may look like being in a car accident, being judged harshly by others, financial setbacks, physical accidents that send you or a loved one to the emergency room, problems at work that feel overwhelming, and much more. The key here is that it is current – within the last few days or months.

We are also currently overwhelmed with all the world events happening now: war, inflation, supply-chain and virus-related issues. It can be a challenge getting back into our lives; finding or returning to work; and navigating relationships with significant others, kids, bosses and co-workers. It can feel HUGE! Just too much!

It can be losing a job, a divorce, a health crisis, or problems with your children. The list is long. But the over-all feeling is that of overwhelm and the inability to cope well.

Background/Hidden Trauma

The last two years have been a wake-up call for millions who trudged through life doing their daily grind of work, school, relationships and self-care. Most of us were running so fast and hard prior to the pandemic that we hadn’t taken the time to address the personal issues that we had running in the background.

Unless a person was dealing some type of breakdown, it all got shoved down and ignored – until it could no longer be ignored anymore. And stopping all the busy work and daily grind, allowed all the hidden or background trauma to rise to the surface.

I’m talking, of course about all unresolved trauma: childhood bullying and other emotional, mental, physical and spiritual abuses that most of us have experienced. The mean things said to you by parents, siblings, friends, etc. The physical abuses from childhood; the emotional battering that so many people experienced from narcissistic parents or significant others. The list of the types of traumas are long and varied – and what was significant for one person may not have been significant for someone else.

The problem is that these old wounds got buried so deep and papered over with so much busy-ness that we didn’t have to deal with them. But, with the start of the pandemic, we were forced to STOP and reexamine our lives, our feelings and our relationships. Everything! And MANY of us didn’t like what we saw. Consider the Great Resignation!

This is hidden trauma rising to the surface is actually a blessing – although it certainly doesn’t feel like it! It’s an opportunity to begin to heal at a deeper level. It’s aligning you with YOU – the REAL YOU – so that you can step into a more powerful, expansive version of yourself.

During the pandemic, any number of stressors has activated our latent trauma. Being forced to shelter in place and avoid one another was one stress. Another stress was whatever unhealthy relationships we had from the start that continued to unravel, or even implode or explode, resulting in the skyrocketing number of divorces over the last two years. Depression, mental and physical illnesses, and addiction issues are OFF THE CHARTS, adding more stress! (And possibly more trauma.) And compounding this, the ability to see a physician or medical professional has been strained to the breaking point.

The question is often asked: Are these stressors the cause of the trauma or the results of trauma? I think of it as a type of chicken/egg thing. Our past traumas determine HOW we view current stressors, but it’s like an invisible lens. Often, because it is lurking in the background, we aren’t aware of triggers, and so our response to an event may be pretty big. We don’t understand that what has been running in the background, like an invisible operating system, is eating away are the core of who we are. So when an additional stressor or trauma occurs, it is the last straw and sends us over the egde.

Often, we don’t even know the influences running in the background that make us so reactive or emotional. We think that we’ve dealt with the past. And then something happens to trigger us all over again! We wonder, “What the hell! Why am I so angry and upset?” We don’t recognize that those old wounds are coming up to be addressed and resolved in a different way!

Generational Trauma

There’s an even deeper level of trauma that is only BARELY being addressed. This is generational trauma. This is trauma that your parents, grandparents, great grandparents (and even earlier ancestors) experienced – and it has been passed down to you. Invisible, but running like that silent operating system in the background. It informs our unconscious decisions and often our emotions without us understanding what is really happening.

This trauma is often embedded deeply in our DNA and passed down from generation to generation. It creates significant levels of unseen trauma that make us reactive and fearful. And we don’t even know why!

Science is just beginning to prove how generational trauma can change the way future generations function at a cellular level. But there’s also an emotional component that is mostly being overlooked.

That’s where MY work comes in! In the more than 40 years of healing and transformation work I’ve done with myself and my clients, I’ve found that not only are we dealing with current life trauma (great and small), but the generational trauma that often feeds addiction issues, depression, mental health and behavioral issues.

Once these generational wounds are addressed, I have seen profound healing in every aspect of my clients’ lives. Addiction issues begin to resolve themselves. Depression lifts. Anxiety and fear lessen and go away.

But we HAVE to get to the absolute root of the problem – and often it’s not just our problem. It could be your ancestors, too!

Quantum Soul Clearing Process™

By Michelle Kogler

The Quantum Soul Clearing Process™ is a 4-step spiritual and practical technology that was given to me by Spirit to help heal, release and resolve trauma. It is a multi-layered process that releases the emotional charge from traumatic events so that the energy is no longer running throughout the body or the central nervous system.

This process is based on spirituality as well as science. The process itself only takes a few minutes to do. But the effects are deeply healing and profound.

It got its name from the quantum connection to (and as) Source. When a person connects in with “the Divine Core Center”, generally located in the solar plexus area of the physical body, they are connecting with the Soul and the greater Consciousness of Source. We all have this connection, whether we are conscious of it or not.

This connection gives the individual access to all of the knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the Creator. And allows your greater Soul to identify all of the areas where that hidden and generational trauma may be being stored. In effect, we are using the Infinite Power of our own Souls and the connection to Source to do the work with and for us!

I purposely used the word “clearing” as a reference to clearing the entire system (emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, financial) – literally a giant sweeping away of the energies that hold trauma in our bodies, minds, souls and energy fields. I talk more about this in my book, Quantum Soul Clearing – Healing the Scars Life Leaves on the Soul.

To learn more, go to Listings page to set up a private consultation session with me or read my book and find out more about how this phenomenon works, and how we can heal from those generational wounds through the Quantum Soul Clearing Process™.

You can receive a free meditation that I call which is the first step of the Quantum Soul Clearing Process. This meditation helps you connect with that Divine Core Center and get grounded. I recommend using this morning and evening (and if you have an event that is upsetting to you). It sets the tone for the day, clearing and grounding you and getting you ready for the day.

I also recommend using it before you go to bed at night. It will help clear away the leftover energies of the day and help you create a safe, restful space for sleep. You can get your copy here: www.quantumsoulclearing.com/freegift

I believe we are at a critical turning point in the evolution for humanity. How we choose to move forward will determine the evolution or destruction of our species and all the species on our planet. The question is whether we are going to move forward in consciousness or in default programming.

We create with our feelings. With our emotions! What legacy do YOU want to leave? Together, we can choose human evolution towards a positive purpose and make our future better. We can do this by healing at all levels of our Being.

Find Michelle’s listing here